If you’ve ever felt yellow lights aren’t long enough, you aren’t alone. The length of the light varies from place to…
The world at the moment is beset on all sides by assholes. You know, the people who don’t put their carts back at…
Few automakers have pursued technology that allows cars to communicate with surrounding road infrastructure like Audi
Red light cameras, which are a dangerous scam, are bad. Mats Järlström, a Swedish man living in Oregon, knows this,…
It’s kind of hard to imagine a time when there wasn’t some basic law and order on the streets, but this snapshot…
I’m not sure what happened to make the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying so…
MIT’s researches have been fiddling with virtual models programmed to eliminate traffic lights at intersections with…
Happy Sunday! Welcome to Holy Shift, where we highlight big innovations in the auto and racing industries each…
At first, I was planning to write today's column about electric cars. But then I got about halfway through it, and…
While we're waiting for certain German scientists to perfect adaptive traffic lights, other German scientists at…
It's safe to say most of us have a love/hate relationship with traffic lights: we love how they make traffic…
You might not realize it when you've been trapped behind the same red light for five minutes, but traffic lights,…
It is rather fitting for Ulaanbaatar, the modern-day capital of the country which was once the largest contiguous…
Ever wondered whether a suspiciously long (or short) traffic signal change, combined with a police cruiser hiding…
In Johannesburg, South Africa, some thieves have found that there's an even cheaper and more anonymous way to make…
A system of traffic lights designed to optimize flow during average conditions never works perfectly because the…
Our traffic lights use nothing but color to convey information. A trio of South Korean designers aim to fix that by…
A patent application filed by IBM engineers reveals the company's developing technology that will allow governments…
The inherent inefficiency of the three-light traffic signal is clearly demonstrated in this proposal for a two-light…
New-fangled LED traffic lights last longer, pierce the darkness more effectively and consume 90% less energy than…