An SR-71 Blackbird could fly at 85,000 feet (over 16 miles!) and push Mach 3.3 (about 2,500 mph!). One of these…
On May 1, 1960, as the Cold War was heating up, CIA pilot Gary Powers was shot down flying a U-2C spy plane over…
Jack O’Banion, Vice President of Strategy and Customer Requirements, Advanced Development Programs for Lockheed…
On August 13, 1981, Jay Reid and I made the first SR-71 landing in Continental Europe. It was virtually…
Our friend and renowned advertising photographer Blair Bunting has fallen in love with shooting military aviation…
One of the most legendary stories related to the SR-71 Blackbird has nothing to do with how fast or how high it…
The SR-71 wasn’t like other planes. It didn’t retire like them either.
The SR-71, an aircraft that first flew some 50 years ago next Monday, still holds the public's imagination like no…
We're all pretty excited about the Red Bull-sponsored supersonic, stratospheric jump that Felix Baumgartner will be…
In a giganormous wooden box, that's how. This is how Lockheed Martin was transporting this ultra-secret A-12 OXCART—t…
Ford brought a stealth version of its Police Interceptor to SEMA, sporting blacked-out lenses, a one-inch suspension…
Just for fun, here's a 1965 AMC Marlin parked in front of a decommissioned Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Interesting…
Because if you had eleven SR-71 Blackbirds, you'd arrange 'em all pretty and take a nice picture, too. And then…
Fifty years ago this month, Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the USSR in his Lockheed U-2. The legendary spy…
We've read what it feels like to fly the SR-71 Blackbird. Now learn how to do it yourself. Here's the Air Force's…
Although it may look like the Rebel Alliance factory floor, those are SR-71 Blackbirds being built. We lovingly…
EXT SHANGHAI STEEL YARD Strike force in hummers & Trikes pull off HazMat suits EXT SHANGHAI SIDE STREET Kids run up…
Everyone knows about the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane, with its beyond-insane performance and alien-technology…