This is The Morning Shift, our one-stop daily roundup of all the auto news that's actually important — all in one…
"Technically they didn't serve the sushi in the bus," laughed a man who attended a party thrown by Ford in the Henry…
Needs more hot air, younger women, to be the real Scott Monty. [FakeScottMonty]
In a post on Ford's "impressive" Fiesta Movement social media numbers, Mashable's Ben Parr gets eviscerated in the…
During yesterday's live-tweet by GM CEO Fritz Henderson, Ford's…
Who will win the Auto Twit Wars? @GMBlogs or @Ford? You decide! [raywert]
According to an article in the UK's Revolution, the ever-self-promotional Ford social media "expert" Scott Monty…
Want to see a @Ford @ScottMonty vs. @GMBlogs battle? [Twtpoll]
Fox Business just had Ford's Scott Monty on, and Liz Claman showed us exactly the problem we warned about Friday.…
Irking us more than the term "social media" are the so-called social media "experts." None annoys us more these days…