This is such a wonderfully simple idea that I can’t believe it hasn’t been done before. It’s four well-known launch…
What you see here is a TREKOL amphibious truck based on an UAZ-31514. It costs $26,500 worth of rubles, and the…
These breathtaking nighttime launches of the LGM-30G Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile out of…
The fragile cease-fire is practically over in Eastern Ukraine. The rebels are unwilling to negotiate and have been…
An unmanned Antares rocket was set to launch this evening from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, but the…
This video, said to be filmed in Kazakhstan on July 2nd, 2013, depicts a Proton-M rocket carrying a GLONASS satellite…
Back when Russia was still cooperating with NASA, the two organizations developed the Kholod rocket. This beast…
Israel is well known for their maritime raiding capabilities, a common tactic used to interdict cargo, or personnel,…
Americans tend to talk a lot about the Space Race and how we made it to the Moon and we were first and no one else…
I'm pretty sure rocket motors and fireworks and other pyrotechnics have been duct-taped to R/C cars since kids have…
Skylon, in development by the British company Reaction Engines, would be the Holy-Grail-meets-cold-fusion of space…
This is a very neat graphic: all modern American rockets and spaceships compared, from XCOR's Lynx—a two-seat space…
When it comes to wild-ass ’50s dreams about mankind’s imminent future in space, it’s tough to beat Freeman Dyson’s nu…
Russian blogger and photographer Lana Sator has taken urban exploring to its rather frightening apogee when she…
It's like the Sons of Anarchy and Evel Knievel conceived a kinky lovechild while jumping over the Grand Canyon…
First, Iran elects a president whose sense of style begins and ends at Members Only jackets. Then, some operative…
Libyan rebels continue a tenuous back-and-forth with Qaddafi's forces, bolstered by the occasional NATO fist from…
With severe drought gripping much of central China this winter, authorities there didn't just sit back and let…
This is an illustration from physics professor Peter Alway's 1995 book Rockets of the World. That little…