You may remember William Santana Li from such failed startup ventures as Carbon Motors, which sought to make a…
If you ever had dreams of taking the law into your own hands in Carbon Motors' BMW-powered, purpose-built police…
With little fanfare or widespread media attention outside of Indiana, Carbon Motors filed for bankruptcy on June 7.…
Carbon Motors has, since 2003, been teasing the nation's law enforcement community with a very impressive and advance…
Remember that super cool police cruiser Carbon Motors promised by the end of 2012? It looks like the company has…
Carbon Motors announced they'll purchase 240,000 BMW six-cylinder diesel engines for its purpose-built E7 police car,…
The Carbon Motors E7 police car appeared on CNBC this morning after ringing in the opening bell at NASDAQ.
Sitting in the Carbon Motors E7, you realize it's the product of police officers dreaming up the ideal vehicle for…
The Carbon Motors E7 has been a long time in coming, but our suspicions of vaporware were abated when we saw real…