Young Captain Kirk Crashes Vintage Corvette Off Cliff In Star Trek Trailer

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It looks like someone's snagged a bootleg of the trailer for the upcoming Star Trek movie off the front of the James Bond flick Quantum of Solace. While Wert may have been focused on the Ford Edge, we noticed the trailer showing a young Captain Kirk driving a C2 Corvette convertible off a cliff in an effort to evade a masked flying motorcycle lawman of some sort. The ever-defiant Kirk bails just as the Vette slides off the edge, saving himself while killing the car. The trailer goes on to show off all the well-known characters from the Trekiverse along with what appear to be a host of new baddies, the ship, and explosions. Come on, let it out — you know that closet Trekkie nerd just let out a silent whimper of excitement. We know, and it's OK, we did it too.