You Ever Just Crash Your Girlfriend's Maserati Into A Bridge?

The California Highway Patrol has shared its account of a gnarly car crash that could have ended worse for a Maserati driver in Oakland, California. Luckily the car-on-concrete collision only ended in the loss of property rather than life.

The CHP tried to stop a Maserati Levante for speeding on Monday morning, but the Levante driver, a 32 year old male according to a report from SFGate, refused to stop the big, fast SUV. The driver apparently thought he'd give it the old, Italian tuneup. Y'know? The one where you attempt to restore your car's performance by putting it under massive load and going fast as hell.

It was a bad time to do any such maintenance, though, the CHP gave chase. (They should not have done that.—ED) The CHP said the SUV exceeded the 100 mile an hour mark during the chase.

The accident happened as the driver exited the freeway, according to a statement the CHP shared with SFGate:

"He didn't make it far before he exited and as soon as he exited, instead of going straight, he veered left, went off the ramp and then went up the embankment and collided with the underside of the freeway."

So, the Maserati got off the freeway, went ahead and Levanted onto the embankment and collided with the underside of the freeway. The Maserati's speed just before the collision is unknown but if it was anywhere near its speed when trying to evade the CHP, it's incredible that the driver was not killed.

The Maserati driver was taken to the hospital following the accident. The CHP cites a pain complaint, but there is no indication the driver suffered any injury, which is insane when you look at the Maserati:

The driver was transported to the hospital for a complaint of pain and will be facing charges for reckless evading.

The driver is lucky to be alive. The owner of the Maserati... not so lucky

The CHP concluded its announcement by claiming the owner of the Maserati is not as lucky as the driver who crashed it. SFGate noted the CHP disclosed the owner is the driver's girlfriend and I still think the owner was actually very lucky, by not being in the Maserati at the time of the collision.

