Last week you met Otto Hader and the 5-speed manual transmission shift pattern tattoo on his back. He's not the only Jalopnik reader with an inkling to "Save Our Sticks." Here's a gallery of a few of their shifty tattoos.
Our commentary from "Otto Hader" about why he had a 5-speed manual transmission pattern tattooed on his back spun up a few other examples of people showing their love for the stick shift in permanent ink.
Jalopnik commenter SheridanSounds took the shift pattern from his '91 RX-7.
Commenter Optixtruf says "Fucker copied my tat; I got this the day after I graduated high school in 2007."
Many expressed a preference for a more generic 4-speed pattern like God and Hurst intended.
Give credit where credit is due, namely to Camaro builder Liz Miles, who has sported the branded imprint-style tattoo on her palm for a few years now.
It's like stigmata for F-body faithful.
Gretchen sent us this photo of the memorial to the shifter in her '07 Subaru WRX STi, one of the few six-speed examples we've seen. "I learned how to drive on a stick and will probably have one till the day I die," she said.