Why Buy Real Cragars When You Can Get These?

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Yes sir, JC Whitney made it easy for the low-buck dude who wanted the look of some high-buck wheels on his ride back in 1975. Just fork over $19.98 to the helpful folks in Chicago and they'd ship you this fine set of, er... well, we think technically you'd call these things hubcaps, given that they snap onto your factory rim in a hubcap-like fashion. In any case, after a few 6-packs of Colorado Kool-Ade and maybe a blow to the head with a bumper jack, a casual observer would be hard-pressed to distinguish these babies from the real deal! Sadly, JCW no longer sells this particular item, but despair not! They have some snazzy "wheel simulators" that follow the same philosophy.

Wheel Simulators [JC Whitney]

More 1975 JC Whitney Goodness: Pipe Organ Speakers! [internal]