Who's The Greatest Driver Of All Time?

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Hands down its our friend Rob. He never competed in any sanctioned races or drove a car that cost more than $1,200, but we've seen him do things that no pro could even dream of. Like jumping from the driver's seat to the back seat in order to punch another friend while going 70 mph on PCH. Or getting his car perfectly balanced up on one wheel when quite suddenly deciding to exit the freeway. From the fast lane. Or taking a Toyota Celica off-roading in Mendicino County. True, our friend Pete (whose girlfriend's Bauhaus tape was stuck in his grizzly Jeep Grand Wagoneer) had a "Don't turn the wheel after 1:00 am" policy, but he didn't have Rob's grace or athleticism. Like the time Rob (allegedly) drank a bit too much and we found him parked on our lawn, sleeping next to his open car while the sprinklers were on. See, Pete would have crashed into the tree. Since we're not sure that the statute of limitations have run their course, you're not getting Rob's last name. Plus his lovely wife would murder us. So.. we'll just say the Marquis de Portago. You?