What's Uglier Than the Aztek? Make Your Voice Heard!

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We're big fans of Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers. Have been since before we knew what a tappet was. Tom and Ray Maglozzi had their readers write in and vote for the ten ugliest cars of the year. When the ballots were tallied, the results were rather anticlimactic: the Aztek won. Of course it did. Literally, has there been a more hideous car ever to grace the road? In the spirit of that question, we're inviting you all to send in your votes (with an explanation) for cars even more hideously cringeworthy than Pontiac's roadgoing abomination, (the best description of which we've heard is "a rhinoceros on crack"), and we'll post 'em here over the next couple of days.
[NOTE: Voting is open to all motor vehicles, except motorcycles. Any make, model and year are eligible.]
-Davey G. Johnson

The 10 Ugliest New Cars [WaPo]

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