What Is The Worst Food-Related Disaster To Happen In Your Car?
I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t eat in their car, but it is a noble cause that is not without risk
Alright Jalopnik readers, it's time to spill the beans; what culinary catastrophe caused chaos in your car? Whether it's a spilled Big Gulp that flooded your footwell or spilled milk that went sour in your carpet or it's the army of derelict pieces of shredded cheese scattered beneath your seats, we've all had some epic edible mishaps go down. Even if it's something you did as a kid in the back of your parents' minivan and they still won't let you live down, that still counts.
We just want to know your most hilarious, most "womp womp", or most catastrophic food-related misfortune that transpired in a car? Did it result in you keeping your local carpet shampooer in business for another year, or were you able to handle it with a little elbow grease and a wet vacuum?
My worst in-car food disaster was pretty benign thankfully, but I used to do PR, and I managed a small press fleet. We had one car that reeked and we could not find the culprit until we checked the trunk and a stinky journalist had spilled milk in the trunk and did not clean up thoroughly so the milk went sour in the hot LA sun. We had to get the trunk lining replaced because the smell was so unbearable.