Hello and welcome to another round of Chatlopnik! It’s just the beginning of August and I am so over this heat. Bring on the fall weather and let me start layering, dammit.
Anyway, what’s been up with you? Seen any good movies lately? Got summer plans? Flying somewhere far, far away? Not coming back? Smart move, that. I hear Antarctica is lovely this time of year. Don’t forget to pack the sunscreen.
We’ve been keeping busy around here, thanks for asking. Recently we:
- Wrote off the midengine Corvette in favor of the midengine Camry
- Asked some questions about a big-ass motor
- Examined how a highway affected a local community, and still continues to do so
- Celebrated Moon Week!
Hop in the comments to start chatting. What are you doing this weekend?
Update 5:16 p.m. EST: Thanks for playing! See you all on Monday, bright and early.