Watch Volvo's Haunting And Beautiful Tribute To Swedish Winter

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Volvo is really trying hard to remind you they're Swedish. Pay no attention to their Chinese puppet master running the abacus in the corner! And I dare say this intense music-video collage of Swedishness shills their desired cultural identity pretty dramatically.

As Volvo describes it; "Det här är en hyllning till Sverige när det är som kärvast. Ett tack till kylan, mörkret, blåsten och regnet. Därför att utan våra hårda svenska förhållanden hade vi aldrig tillverkat de bilar vi gör."


(This is a tribute to Sweden when it is harshest. A thank you to the cold, darkness, wind and rain. Because without our strict Swedish conditions we had never made the cars we do.)

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Hat tip to FastCompany via Clay!