This is Shogun Tango, a concept piece from the brother team of director Christopher and modeler Greg Desantis, whose hot rod starfighters we've featured previously. In this short film, futuristic racers blast across the California flats, risking life and supersonic technology in the name of glory.
As Greg tells io9 of Shogun Tango, "We made the movie in our spare time over about a year. A few people have asked if it is a viral for Virgin, it's not. We just thought the film would be cooler with real logos, than with fake or generic logos." Here's the synopsis:
Every December 25th a land race is held in New Bonneville, California. Only the fastest and most powerful vehicles can handle the grueling conditions.The official race title is, The Bonneville Classic 5000. But the world has come to know it as The Shogun Tango.
You can find more information about Shogun Tango here.