In response to our Editor-In-Chief's "State Of Jalopnik," a lot of you seemed interested in seeing more "readers rides" on our site. Frankly, I think it's a great idea so we're gonna give it a shot.
I love new vehicles, but I'm even more curious about what y'all are driving than what the facelift on the next crossover is going to look like.
"Reader's Rides" was one of my favorite sections of the tuner mags I used to read in high school, and I know a lot of truck owners have great stories behind their rigs they love to share.
This will be your chance to soapbox up tell us everything about your truck, how you picked it up, what you've done to it, and what you use it for.
We're not aiming to feature modified-only vehicles, but we probably won't have room for every submission and so we'll start by featuring vehicles that are the most interesting or come with a cool backstory.
I'm thinking we'll have some loose standardization; year, make/model, a list of your modifications if you've got any, and any trim or setup details you'd like to add as bullet points, then let you get into any narrative you feel like sharing.
This feels like a great opportunity to exercise the Kinja Blog System; all you'll have to do to submit your ride is make an account (if you haven't got one already), do a post in the format we decide on, shoot me an email or tweet at me ("Truck You" in the subject) to let me know you're done, and I'll share it to Truck Yeah!
The most interesting ones will probably make it to Jalopnik's front page too and who knows, if you can spin a really great yarn about your truck it might get shared all over the Gawkerverse and into the Greater Internet Metro Area beyond.
Now let's hear your ideas on format, things I might have missed, and how to make this awesome!
Image: Andrew P. Collins, devices from Craigslist