It absolutely sucks if you live on a corner and keep getting your hedges or lawn run over by jerks in cars. What really sucks is if a big rig has come by and twice this year taken out basically your whole front yard. It really sucks to be these people.
According to the Ventura County Star, Debra and Keith Crownover in Silver Strand Beach, near Oxnard, Calif., have had two trucks pretty much decimate their plants and chairs this year. Their security camera captured one truck in January that just kept on going, as someone tried to chase after it.
Then this week, apparently just after they added replacement landscaping, another truck took out the Crownover's fence and plants. (Full disclosure, I used to work at the Ventura County Star.)
The area is near Naval Base Ventura County and trucks try to turn around there in order to get back on the highway. But in a tight residential area, they should know better.
Head over to the Ventura County Star to watch the insane surveillance footage.
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