Transporter 3 Trailer Gives Us Second Weekend Dose Of Jason Statham

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Friday we showed you the Death Race trailer which, for the most part, saw a fairly positive reaction from the Jalopnik commentariat rather than the savaging with reckless abandon we expected. But we're a fickle bunch round these parts so we should have expected nothing less than going against the grain. But we thought we'd reward the most discriminating readership in the automotive webosphere with some real Jason Statham-flavored red meat for the Jalopnik grille, by way of the always authentically automotive Transporter series. Yes friends, here's the Transporter 3 trailer — and from what we can tell from the few seconds of glimpsing the W12-powered Audi A8 in this Iggy Pop-soundtracked 55 seconds of crank-ed up action, the final installation in the epic trilogy will be more in line with the unrealism of the second movie than the awesomeness of the first. Pity. [ via First Showing]