"Transformers 2" Countdown Clock Live On Michael Bay Site, He Probably Thinks It's "Awesome"

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Whoever knew Michael Bay had the guts to make fun of himself as much as he has in this new Verizon FiOS commercial? Especially given he's the director that brought us the robogasmic explosion of fury that was Transformers. Well, we must admit it's rather funny. But a love-fest starring everyone's favorite Chevy-lover ain't the only reason to mention the man behind the robots' disguises today. We've also just noticed Bay's got himself a countdown clock running on his personal website to the supposed June 26, 2009 release date for "Transformers 2." Our guess is he thinks the new movie'll be pretty "Awesome" too. Remember when Bay used to just direct Chevy commercials? No, real Chevy commercials. [Michael Bay]