I was telling a friend a few weeks ago that I think the world needs more lesbian pop music. A few days after that, he told me about BLOXX, which was exactly the kind of thing I needed in my life.
“5000 Miles” is about the pain of a long-distance relationship between folks living in New York City and London — possibly one of the worst kinds of long-distance relationships there can be. Or, as singer Fee Booth put it:
I wrote the lyrics to ‘5000 Miles’ 35,000 ft in the air, on a flight back from New York where I had just met my girlfriend for the first time. I was drinking red wine and crying. It’s an heir to love and lust and how it can be hard in the beginnings of a long distance relationship where you’re thousands of miles away from each other! It’s a fun-take on it.
Overall, the song is one hell of a banger, and I’ve had it on repeat all week.