Toyota Takes Over SEMA For 2007

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It looks like the second foreign car manufacturer in as many years will be the major sponsor of the annual Specialty Equipment Market Association aftermarket trade show out in Vegas. Last year it was HoMoCo as the first to drop their dime on the show, and this year the number one super awesome best automaker from the land of the rising sun is getting a piece of that sponsorship action. That's right, Toyota will be taking over the Las Vegas Convention Center this fall, and we totally can't wait to see what they're going to have as the grab-bag prize this year — will it be a Scion or Toyota-branded booth babe bustier? When we know, you'll know. [UPDATE: Honda was top dog in 2005. In 2006, General Motors, Ford and DaimlerChrysler shared the VMOS spot under the theme "American Muscle"]

Toyota to sponsor SEMA trade show [Detroit News]

[Picture via DubspeedDriven]

SEMA Show: How Can You Sell Tires If You Don't Have Any Booth Babes? [internal]