Toothless Old Guy Builds 50 MPG Engine-Powered Tricycle, CNN Thinks It's Newsworthy

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Auto mechanic Bobby Stags has created a tricycle outfitted with a gas engine in his effort to combat the rapidly rising cost of gas. What's it mean to his bottom line? How about 50 MPG fuel economy? Hmm, although CNN's team appeared besides themselves over this great invention, it doesn't sound quite so breaking to us. We wonder if CNN's ever heard of a Honda Spree or a Yamaha Zuma? If they haven't, get ready for "Breaking News: Industrial Giant Honda Builds 80 MPG scooter, More At 11!" headlines. Oh, 24-hour news cycle, how your beastly maw must be continuously fed with the excremental tidbits of not-at-all-important news. []