Tony Stewart Defense Against Racism Accusation: ‘I Had A Black Roommate'

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NASCAR’s fastest sentient marshmallow Tony Stewart got into it with Twitter users yesterday night when he posted the hottest of takes on San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision not to stand for the National Anthem. Stop the presses and back off, folks: Tony had a black roommate.

A continuation of last night’s Twitter fight went about as well as you’d expect a Twitter fight to go:


One of the most enraging defenses a person can make in a situation like this is “I have black friends.” Good for you, cultured modern man, but maybe you should allow your friends to speak for themselves and not hide behind the fact that they exist when folks are trying to argue with you.


Curiously, this isn’t even “I have black friends.” It’s “I had a black roommate.” Roommate relationships are tricky, and sometimes, your biggest nemesis is the poor sucker you’re stuck sharing space with. That’s a curious word choice, to say the least.


Stewart later tried to distance himself somewhat from the hot fire of his original statement, but that went over about as well as you’d expect:

