This Short Will Take You Back To The First Car You Fell In Love With

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If you got into cars following in family footsteps, you might remember that first time you ditched your Hot Wheels to stroke the roadster your old man had tucked in the barn. If you're still wondering how people become "that obsessed" with autos, well, just press play.

Driving gloves might not be your thing, but the visuals on this video from Supreme are simple and spectacular. Besides, who can't appreciate a multi-generational Morgan?


Here's what the movie's Art Director Justin Barrow had to say about the film, and what his own father's Morgan meant to him and his son:

I wasn't aware of it before making the film, but now realize that there is a beautiful common thread with my relationship with Morgan. As a child I grew up knowing my Father always desired a Morgan but never really knowing why. Around the age of 9, I started buying him a Corgi model Morgan whenever I had the chance. He now has a small, but meaningful collection of models. However, I don't think his collection ever really quenched his desire for a real Morgan...

That is until 6 years ago, when the +8 (Snowy), came into our lives. I remember him phoning me on that day but not speaking, just revving the engine and letting me shout down microphone at him! He can be a real character when he wants to be! He'd never had the money before and to be honest even if he did, he would of rather have spent it on his family than himself. He was a carpenter and a hard working one at that!

I am now 37 and with hindsight, my relationship with Morgan has been a long one, but it feels like its just getting started... My father and I took many trips together in the Morgan and I frequently take my three boys for evening rides. The boys play contentedly for hours in the car, which seems to sum up Morgan to me - it's a vessel for creating memories...

And now? I truly understand how influential that little white car has been throughout my life.


Video: Supreme