The new Top Gear has been subject to strong opinions on both sides, prompted by both positive feedback at preview showings and struggles that started before filming for the show did. But the show’s new teaser doesn’t fit either of those angles—rather, it’ll may make for the most awkward 40 seconds of your day.
For the most part, the promos for the show have been impressive in driving and in camerawork. This one just gets plain weird, with Matt LeBlanc checking “car Tinder” in the office and a deep voice giving sexual commands over footage of fast cars. If you’re still inclined to watch, here it is:
In a less awkward video, Top Gear also gave a short preview its new spin-off show called Extra Gear and hosted by Rory Reid and Chris Harris (which was probably filmed while Harris wasn’t feuding with rapper Bun B on Twitter).
The show premieres on Sunday, May 29 in the U.K. and on the following day in the U.S., so here’s hoping that the voice—and the theme—used in this promo do not premiere with it.