This 360-Degree Video Of An F1 Car On The Goodwood Hillclimb Is Absolutely Wild

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Being able to ride around a race course from the driver’s point of view is a fun benefit of modern technology, whether you’re a racing fan or not. But the ability to see the ride from any point of view on the car with 360-degree video—that’s truly wacky.

This particular video follows a 2012 Renault F1 car up the Goodwood hillclimb at this year’s Festival of Speed, which took place a few weeks ago and left us with plenty of mind-blowing things to watch. If your device is capable enough to play the 360-degree version of the video in good quality, it’s amazing to be able to look around at every angle of Goodwood without actually being there:

The driver was Formula One competitor Jolyon Palmer, racing the Renault Sport E20. According to Fox Sports, the car he’s in was originally the Lotus E20 for the 2012 F1 season. Renault Sport bought out the team during the past offseason, and it didn’t take long to change the name of the car.

Enjoy the ride. Or the scenery. Or the crowd. Or anything, really—you’re in control of the camera. Technology is a weird, weird thing.