Tonight's the big gala for Detroiters who want to be seen, and are willing to pay some big bank to do it. While in the past we've been one of those looking to have others notice us, we've got prior commitments this year and to be honest, blogging don't exactly give us the extra cheddar to spend on $1400 worth of tickets. But, there's still many a thousand of folks out there who'll be attending the extravaganza this shabbos erev, and if it's your first time in attendance you'll find out the big party's not the one occurring at Cobo Hall, it's the ones happening before and after at the corporate suites and dens across the metro area. Luckily, one website's gone and provided a list of the coolest and hippest non-exclusive hot spots for you to check out bedecked in black tie. Or if you remember from last year, you could just go and get naked on a concept car. And lastly, if you don't yet have tickets, we hear there are still a few available.
Auto Show After Glow Party Guide [After 5 Detroit]
All our 2007 Detroit Auto Show coverage [internal]