These Turkish Car Enthusiasts Kind Of Look Like Their Cars

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This is Atatürk Oto San and his 1991 TransAm. Think they look alike? In his photographic series, "Facade," Korhan Karaoysal has documented Turkish car enthusiasts with their customized cars, allowing the owners to select their own backdrops.

Don't these guys kind of look like their cars in some ways?

Take a look at the other photos in Karaoysal's collection. There are some interesting cars and backgrounds that you would probably like to visit.

As for the dudes posing with their cars, you may or may not like to meet them, but personally, I think it would be cool to have beers with a Turkish car enthusiast to see what the differences in car culture are. You never know, you could learn about some amazing car you'd never heard of, like an Etox Zafer or something.


Photo credit: Korhan Karaoysal