There’s a saying about the world’s oldest profession, but I think scam artist is just as ancient a career as sex work. When times get tough, you can count on a shyster to get exploiting. Rising gas prices are the perfect crisis for such shady characters: a substance just about everyone needs to function subject to an incredibly volatile price fluctuations will separate fools from their money in no time.
There are all sorts of “technologies” out there claiming to improve your car’s fuel efficiency, and many of these products are holdovers from the last gas crisis. Some are harmless doo-dads but others could really mess up your day—and your engine—if you put your trust in them.
My strategy to this post was not hard: I just hit Amazon and typed in Fuel Saver and was bombarded by bullshit. There are tons of scams out there, and this is by no means meant to be a comprehensive list of them. While Americans so far seem to be resisting desperate measures to save on gas, now is a good time to remind us all that if it seems too good to be true, it definitely is. And if you’re looking for a way to actually cut down on fuel consumption, this little device can save you loads.