These Are The Ugliest American Cars Ever Made, According To You

It turns out that everyone from Lincoln to Dodge has shipped an ugly car or two in their time

America might have been responsible for some pretty stunning cars over the years, but it's also churned out some monsters as well. To find out just how many awful-looking cars these great United States have created, we turned to you and asked for the ugliest American-made cars of all time.

You came shouting back in your hundreds, nominating everything from Pontiac to Plymouth as being responsible for some of the ugliest American cars of all time.

Here, we've rounded up some of the top offenders for your enjoyment. So flick through the following slides to gawk at 15 of the ugliest American cars of all time. Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments below.

Lincoln MKT

Face like a paper shredder and bland EggsUV body. The worst of the worst in design language.

"Face like a paper shredder" is my new favorite insult.

Suggested by: bolivar-shagnasty

Buick Skylark

92-95 Buick Skylark. How the front of that thing passed safety standards, I'll never know.

What started as such a sleek American cruiser ended in this pointy-faced monstrosity.

Suggested by: Matt Gru (Facebook)

Plymouth Valiant

I'll nominate the first-gen Valiant.

There's a lot going on here. If it was toned down a dash, it might have looked much better.

Suggested by: smalleyxb122

Dodge Lancer

Dodge Lancers, 61/62. Neat but so hodge podgy and awkward.

If you think the sedan is "hodge podgy and awkward," just wait 'till you see the station wagon.

Suggested by: Luke Florin (Facebook)

Chrysler PT Cruiser

How come nobody suggested the PT Cruiser yet?

Because nobody was as brave as you.

Suggested by: edu-petrolhead

Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD

The current Chevy Super Duty better be on that list.

Technically it's called the 2500HD, but its still here on the list!

Suggested by: Doug Allen (Facebook)


The CitiCar electric car from the late 70's.

Yeesh. And 5 mph bumpers on this '76's 'good' being protected.

Not only a deathtrap, but one so ugly when the first responders come to extract your crushed body from the tin can, they'll probably have trouble stopping laughing.

The CitiCar was built in Florida, just so you know.

Suggested by: the1969dodgechargerfan

Tesla Cybertruck

No. 1 draft pick: The Cybertruck!

They have technically made a couple of these in America, so it counts.

Suggested by: Tony Sogg (Facebook)

Tesla Model 3

No need to wait for the cYBeRtrUCk. Tesla already makes the ugliest American car โ€“ the Model 3.

If I'm honest, I'd say the Model 3 is the least offensive Tesla. Surely the crown for ugliest Tesla of the moment goes to the Model Y?

Suggested by: autobox-roll-out

AMC Matador

1974-78 AMC Matador coupe. A car that was conceived to improve its aerodynamics for the sake of NASCAR. Then, to make the car racier, they add... opera windows.

The rear end looks like a retro spaceship design, which I like. But the front looks like a shocked tree frog, which I don't.

Suggested by: Joe Stricker (Facebook)

Mercury Comet

Late 50s/early 60s Mercury Comet...I could never get past this rear end looking like a cartoon alien.

The Comet's design was so bland that for its first few years on sale, Mercury didn't even put its name on the car.

Suggested by: rockchops

Dodge Durango

I like the oval Taurus. At least they tried to make it interesting.

I'm going with the 2nd generation Dodge Durango. Big dumb underbite front end, tacky round-in-rectangle tail lights, looks like it's holding in a fart from any angle. They tried to class it up with the Chrysler Aspen but that was only a slight improvement.

The first Durango was an inoffensive family hauler. The second generation was what happened when the body panels started melting.

Suggested by: Brian Nickel (Facebook)

Edsel Pacer

Surprised it hasn't been suggested yet but the first-gen Edsel was...... not good.

Launched in 1958, the Edel Pacer shared its underpinnings with the much prettier Ford Fairlane.

Suggested by: bfisch1629

Pontiac Aztek

The Pontiac Aztek ๐Ÿ˜‚ all years, every color, nothing could help that car besides maybe the popularity of Breaking Bad.

The answer you all came here for. Are you happy now?

Suggested by: Dustin Wolf (Facebook)

Pontiac Trans Sport

Pontiac made something uglier than the Aztek.

The Pontiac Trans Sport looked like the case your grandmother's vibrator came in.

Uglier than an Aztek? That means we must have a winner, I guess.

Suggested by: insertbuttjokehere

