These Are The Most Boring Cars Of All Time

Some cars are just dreadfully boring. Is yours on the list?

Not all cars can be heart-stoppingly exciting. For 99 percent of the population, a car is just something to get folks from Point A to Point B, and there's nothing really wrong with that... if you like dull and boring cars. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them out there, and that's what has led me to my question from last week.

I wanted to know what you all thought the most boring car ever made was. You all delivered in a big way. Hundreds of folks chimed in with what cars they thought were deeply boring. Because you're all rockstars, we've got stuff from all sorts of eras and price points in here. There are even a number of cars some of you might consider fun that are actually on this list.

I just hope your car didn't make it here, because damn, that would hurt my soul if someone thought my car was boring.

Anyway, why don't ya' head on over and check out what your fellow Jalops think the most boring cars ever made are?

Ford Tempo

Most of you probably never drove one let alone heard of one. But they were the Jan Brady of Ford's lineup. You either got an Escort (really basic car) or you got the family car, the Taurus. The Tempo filled a small niche.

In 1989 I interned for a summer at a construction company who had a fleet of these. They were in their most basic form too. No power anything. NO AC and little maintenance done to them. I had to use them to run to the building dept. or to job sites or whatever, but god were they just meh.

At the time I was driving an 81 Audi Coupe GT with 150K miles on it and that cars still felt miles better than the Tempo's

Submitted by: Monstarajr

Nissan Versa

The Corolla isn't a boring car. Sure, the current generic version is pretty... whatever. But it's got an incredible history, and there's a hot rodded version available.

If you want boring, I think you have to go with something like the Nissan Versa. In some sort of greyscale color. Just a "car".

Submitted by: TheWalrus

Plymouth Sundance

It was the least interesting of the two nameplates slapped on that car. Gutless, boring to look at, uncomfortable to ride in, handled like an old mattress, and just in every way the worst offering of its era. I haven't seen a more miserable bucket of bolts since.

Even though it was built on the K car platform, it somehow ended up having none of the otherworldly reliability of the Reliant.

Just in every way a miserable conveyance. A cruelty unleashed upon the world by its creator.

Submitted by: Skamanda

Chevy Malibu

Look at it. It's so boring you didn't even notice that that's actually an Impala, not a Malibu.

Submitted by: Give Me Tacos or Give Me Death

Even More K-Cars

Dodge Aries K (1981-1989) — Lee Iacocca's hail mary.


1989-95 Dodge Spirit/Plymouth Acclaim (excluding the Spirit R/T). The car looks like it was designed by an accountant (and I am an accountant). It looked and drove like the kind of car that you bought like you would buy like you would buy generic mystery meat from a delicatessen: "Yeah, give me ten grand worth of car. Red's okay." I rented one back in the day. I can remember it Don't push me for anything beyond that.


My first car, a 1988 Plymouth Horizon. first. By the time I gave up on it the damn thing wouldn't top 55 if it wasn't going downhill. Unremarkable styling, general lack of features (could be had with a factory CD player, but mine wasn't). Separate key to open the hatch, no interior release for said hatch. When the key randomly stopped fitting the lock, my hatchback became a bloated sedan. These are cars you never notice, the NPCs of 1980s traffic. They wanted to be an answer to the Golf, but they ended up being salvage yard fodder.

Submitted by: nanxum & namesakeone & Maxis47

None Of Them

Really boring cars end up infesting rental car agencies.

Rental cars are NEVER boring.

Boring cars also become popular for ride share and taxi services.

I once rode in a Prius V. That's a generic boring car. It was driven by an taxi driver that had 5 phones duct taped to the dash and was using all of them at once to play games, make phone calls to the middle east and perhaps navigate. Either the gas pedal or brake pedal were embedded in the floor at all times and he was playing really loud music and dancing along.

That was the opposite of a boring drive. I did give a big tip and a good review when I peeled my greenish tinted body out of the back. Just to be safe. The driver's name was Muhamed Ali and although he was a skinning dude around 5'2", I wasn't taking any chances with that name.

Submitted by: hoser68

Nissan Rogue

Nothing epitomizes the stereotypical crossover more than a gray Nissan Rogue. One could surmise that every crossover available today can trace it's DNA back to this uninspired thing. Even ones that came out before it – somehow.


It has no noteworthy qualities. A miserable penalty box like a Mitsubishi Mirage is noteworthy for that. A reliable commuter like a Camry is at least known for being bullet proof. What is the Rogue known for? I'd say it's a dull appliance like a refrigerator, but at least refrigerators differentiate themselves with fancy icemakers. An aspirational name like "Rogue" just brings attention to how dull it is.

Submitted by: cdydatzigs & golfball

Chevy Corvette C8

Guys, boring is relative. If you lived in a town where nobody owned a car, the person with the Corolla automatically has the most exciting car. Likewise if you're in a group of people where everyone owns a Ferrari, your Miata which is by no stretch of the imagination boring becomes the least interesting.

Which is why relative boring comes in the form of the Corvette C8.

It's not to say that there's anything particularly wrong with them, in fact they are good cars and anybody who says they wouldn't want to drive around in a mid-engine sports car is lying to themselves. This is a great segue with a low MSRP and a darn good way to generate instant clout. There is no doubt that it even drives the way it looks. The problem is when being seen in, driving in, and owning a mid-engine sports car becomes the cornerstone of why you would want to buy the most basic model you can get. All of a sudden it has opened the floodgates for anyone who is so inclined, from TikTok influencers and fledgling rappers to Florida retirement specials, to spend their hard-earned social media money and IRAs on a car that makes it look like they own an exotic car. And the content and personalities this mindset fed into are absolutely insufferable.

Imagine becoming the kind of person where "nice car" is the only compliment people can give you. Strike up conversation with the 19-year-old kid on Rodeo Drive or the early 20s gym bro and they will gladly talk your ear off about how they drive something cooler than your sun-damaged 200k-mile Toyota Prius. "What do you drive," you ask, only to hear a warship classification repeated back to you in the smuggest mug you will ever see in your life.


C8 Corvette. It's not boring, but you'd have to be pretty damn boring to own one. And if you are what you eat, you are most certainly what you drive.

Submitted by: Lil Xanos

Chevy Aveo

I feel like it has to be the Gen. 1 Aveo, especially in sedan form. I get it – cheap, small cars are an easy target. They're budget-minded, so you'd expect them to be underpowered with limited design appeal.

What sets the Aveo apart was not only its Ambien-in-car-form looks, its lack of power, not being particularly reliable, meh fuel economy relative to its size, or its Fisher-Price interior. It is that in spite all of those qualities making it an aggressively uncompetitive car for Daewoo, GM STILL decided to phone it in and bring it to America to fill their small car niche, rather than build something slightly competitive.

Submitted by: disadvantage

Oldsmobile Cutlass

1997 Olds Cutlass, which was just a badge-engineered Chevy Malibu

I had the misfortune of renting one of these for a week while my car was being serviced. It was white with a grey mouse fuzz interior – the very definition of an automotive appliance.

Probably the most 'meh' car I have ever driven. I lost it in parking lots several times during the week. A totally forgettable and mind-numbingly dull vehicle.

Submitted by: Earthbound Misfit I

Dodge Neon

A while back my mom got on a really weird Dodge kick. Seemingly out of nowhere she went out and bought a new 2005 Dodge Neon. Despite the "SXT" package, it was undoubtedly the most uninspiring car I've ever driven. Muted steering, anemic power, and horrible interior touch points. It was the worst car I'd driven until...

...she traded it in for a 2011 Dodge Caliber. I'll give the car points for trying to have some interesting styling cues and having a usable hatchback cargo area, but other than that the car only really served to up the horrible driving experience offered by the Neon.

Submitted by: SantaCruzin6

Kia Sephia

90s Kia Sephia. Shitbox that would never run right. Had 3 mice on a wheel in horsepower. The interior was nothing to write home about. Forgettable and boring.

Submitted by: NerdyChimera

Nissan Pathfinder

Nissan Pathfinder, especially prior generation.

tires squeal and complain endlessly with any slightly heavy right foot application. leans in any corner at any speed. anonymous styling. cargo is less than half of a minivan's. makes a generic noise. they are everywhere. just look at it. ew.

Submitted by: DLu

Mazda Protege

Seventh gen Mazda Protege. Anemic, bland, forgettable. We had one for about 10 years and I forget everyday we did.

Submitted by: Chubby Cox

Alfa Romeo Arna

Unreliable Italian tech adorned with Japanese Nissan Sunny looks, one of the worst and most boring cars ever made, and there is only one thing to do if you come across one...

Submitted by: GTO62

Toyota Echo

Exciting as off-brand Tupperware, and also one of the most bizarre video game promotional tie-ins. There were so many cool cars in 1999, yet this somehow got hitched to a hotly anticipated game about space witches and angsty teens with gunblades.

Submitted by: Hankle_Wankel

Nissan Murano

I got one for a rental, and all I could say about it is that it was a car. There was nothing bad about it, but nothing good about it, either. It was just—nothing.

Submitted by: FriscoFairlane

Geo Metro

Yes its a gas sipper and it gets you to point A to point B. But literally thats it. Interior never stood out, seats were plain, dash was just grey and mundane. Tiny wheels. It served its purpose but had the charm of a dentist waiting room.

Submitted by: jbird_27

Chevy Celebrity

Got the job done, was actually pretty comfortable. Don't think a celebrity every owned one.

Submitted by: heavysquad

Chevy Trax

First generation Chevrolet Trax, boring inside and out, one of the most depressing cars to see. Its Encore sibling was at least quirky and tried to have some design as well as fit and finish, the Trax said let me just be a cheap pile of shit, and it was.

This is the correct answer.

Submitted by: CintronC

