These Are The Automotive Gimmicks You Love To Hate
From ridiculously bright headlights to fake engine sounds, these are the automotive gimmicks you can't help but hate
The automotive world is filled with amazing technology and design choices, like vented seats and the rear quarter of the Kia EV6. There are also some automotive additions that leave us questioning the great car designers in the sky, the kind of features that leave you asking, why?
Those automotive missteps are exactly what we went looking for when we asked you for the automotive gimmicks that you love to hate. Thankfully, you had some very passionate opinions on this subject, and came back with some great responses.
So, from ridiculously bright headlights to controversial fake engine sounds, flick through the following pages to uncover the automotive gimmicks that Jalopnik readers can't stand.
Is there a gimmick that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.
Fake Gears
"Fake 'gears' in a CVT.
I've seen this in Subaru, Jeeps, Nissans, and not sure what else. They actively prevent the transmissions from doing their job, sapping performance and efficiency so you get some imaginary gears that are best described as 'soggy'."
No love here, it's all hate.
Suggested by: h4llelujah
Big Screens
"Giant screens. There's no real purpose of them except being nice for a back up camera. My old ass car that has nothing but a few buttons and a radio with one green lcd to show the radio station or volume on works perfectly. But I'm still always in awe a little of them and how cool some are 😂"
Now scientifically proven to piss you off.
Suggested by: sausagefingers76
Phones For All
"Using your phone as a key.
"It's one of those things that just because we can, doesn't mean we should. A keyfob battery will last you years. A phone, you're lucky to last a day without charging. A keyfob can be dropped, stepped on, go through a washing machine and come out fine. A phone is much more fragile; using your phone as a key adds nothing to the driving experience."
That's a very good point, and what happens when your phone is stolen?
Suggested by: HaroldMontgomery
Fake Vents
"Fake vents. They are universally stu-u-u-u-pid since they're non-functional.
"Some of them look really cool."
I'm pretty sure they actually also make your car go faster.
Suggested by: stillnotatony
Illuminated Grilles
"I got to admit, I think it's stupid, but they do make heart go pitter-patter a little.
"But most of the time when I see them, I think someone trying to drive a black and white TV."
"Pitter-patter" is exactly what you want from a car.
Suggested by: radioout
"Super bright headlights, combined with super bright daytime running lights. Which in turn leads to people driving in them because they forget to turn their actual headlights on at night and drive around with no tail lights."
America just needs to sort out its dumb headlight regulations.
Suggested by: drg84
Fake Engine Noise
"Fake engine noises. Technically real engine noise is just a by-product of what the car is supposed to do. I love speed without noise."
What sound would you prefer your car make? A nice low hum, or the sound of a sci-fi spaceship?
Suggested by: 17seconds
Interior Lighting
"I have one light up puddle logo on my Buick TourX, but it is actually useful. At night, if you walk up to the car with a fob on you, a Buick logo will appear on the ground behind the rear hatch. If you wiggle your foot in the light, it triggers the trunk sensor to open. Very handy.
"My favorite pointless feature however is the changeable accent lighting in my Fiesta. There's a button that simply changes the floorboard lights and the lights around the cup holders through multiple color options.
"Used to be a tradition when my youngest first started school, I'd drive him down our long driveway and sit in the car, while waiting for the school bus. Every day, it was his job to pick the 'Color Of The Day.' And, whatever color he set, I would keep the rest of the day while I drove."
Is it useless? Yes. Does it make your car feel nice inside? Also yes.
Suggested by: knyte
Curb Feelers
"I've always hated Curb Feelers.
"If you are old enough to think you need them, you can't hear them scrape the curb."
I can honestly say I've never seen these in the real world, just wheels that are scratched to shit instead.
Suggested by: yeardley68
"OnStar – I had it for free for three months when I bought my CPO GMC Sierra and it was utterly useless. Most frustratingly I had to cancel it so it didn't become an automatic (paid) subscription and that process was mind-numbing.
"'Are you sure? We can give you another three months free so you can really see the benefits!' I was weak so I said yes, and of course I forgot to cancel after three months. I sure noticed that $32 monthly charge though. I canceled the next month and haven't missed it for the two years since."
What's worse: the service or the cancellation process?
Suggested by: santacruzin6
Fake Buttons
"Capacitive touch buttons. Started to gain traction with Cadillac's CUE, but the most egregious example I've seen is the Ferrari Roma. Everything on the steering wheel is capacitive, and even the mirror adjustment uses it."
Even a Ferrari isn't safe!
Suggested by: mrmcgeein3d
Light Up Wheel Wells
"The latest trend I hate is illuminated wheel wells on brodozers. Bad enough it's jacked up so high that the tops of the tires are level with the frame rails but do you have to spotlight it?
"On the flip side, I award creativity points to the Subaru Crosstrek owner who put plastic pumpkins over their ditch lights for Halloween."
Can I just expand this whole answer to be brodozer pickup trucks?
Suggested by: geoff-vader
Those Awful SUV Coupe Things
"Four-door SUV Coupes.
"The Germans seem particularly enamored with this body style, but Tesla and Ford are guilty as well."
They're the ugliest cars out there and they must be stopped.
Suggested by: earthbound-misfit-i
Self Driving
"I very nearly got run over by a Tesla that was 'Full Self-Driving...' right into me as I went through a crosswalk. As the 'driver' played on his phone."
Whether it's Full Self-Driving or Autopilot, they both suck.
Suggested by: ibelle42