If you know anything at all about cars, then you know you can tell a lot about someone based solely on what they drive. At the very least, you can get the gist of who they are as a person, and that’s usually enough to form an opinion. Sometimes it’s a good feeling, and sometimes it’s well... not so good. That’s what led me to our question from last week.
I wanted to know what cars instantly make you hate their drivers. What vehicle sends such bad vibes that the second it rolls up, you know the owner is an asshat? For the most part, we had some extremely varied answers, from smug electric vehicles and muscle cars, to loud SUVs and cars that wear their owner’s political beliefs like a badge of pride. However, one category of vehicles stood out above them all: lifted and modified pickup trucks.
So, so, so many people listed lifted pickup trucks as the vehicle that instantly makes them hate their owner. I suppose it does make sense. There are few vehicles in the world that are bigger and more brash than a lifted pickup. It also helps that their owners usually fall into the same genre of people.
Anyway, enough yapping out of me. Get clicking to what what cars set off your fellow Jalops the second the see them.