These Are The 50-Year-Old Cars You'd Daily Drive Today
Who needs all the bells, whistles and safety features of modern cars?
When I asked you what Malaise Era cars you would daily drive today, I figured I'd get pitches for the land yachts of old. And while some of you delivered on that front (with a particular fondness for GM) I forgot some of you are clever little beasts. You also chose small, interesting imports from the same era. Really, I should have known, this is Jalopnik after all.
Take a look at your 50-year-old rides, each more dope than the last.
Chevrolet Monte Carlo
Ugh. Picking a car from the Malaise Era is like choosing to die from syphilis or dysentery. That said I'd go with my first car, a '75 Monte Carlo that Mom got new and was driven by my brother and sister before I got it as a rusty, two-toned (Dad was a rattle can Picasso) rotted quarter panel beast. But I still loved that tank, and learned a lot working on it when I did a top-end overhaul. Nowadays I'd go the restomod route and either build a stout 350 or LS swap it.
Volkswagen Beetle
A '73 Bug:
You specified "daily drive" and that's what you get with an old Bug: transportation—period. No A/C, no infotainment screen, just a crappy radio; but you can count on it moving from point A to point B.
And if it does break down, it's so simple and so easy to find parts, you'll be back on the road in no time.
Citroën SM
Citroën SM. Might as well drive something interesting.
The obvious answer is a Porsche 911, but this is a better DD.
From Arolpin
Porsche 911
Easy Answer
This is a 1974, so 50 years old. It is reliable, has good rust proofing, is fun to drive, classy as hell, comfortable on highway cruises and turns enough heads to be visible in a land full of giant SUVs. It isn't even really thirsty
Yes, safety isn't exactly high by modern standards and you can't try to keep up with modern sports cars in the corners without risking being bitten. But it's the only 1974 car I can think of that doesn't have a major weakness.
Other than cost of entry.
From hoser68
Slide Title
A first gen Honda Accord hatch five speed. Everything I need and nothing I don't.
From hoser68
AMC Eagle
From R4ndyD4ndy
Pontiac Trans Am
So bad of a car. So much fun
From Bob
Datsun 240Z
The one I currently drive (when the carbs act right).
From OldManMcKenna
Mazda REPU
1975 Mazda REPU. The person driving it in the picture must be an absolute smurf. When I drive my 50 year old manic pixie dream truck I'm going to look more like Choo Choo.
Ford Fairmont Durango
One of these days – I am gonna get to this. My wife totally HATES it.
1981 Ford Fairmont Durango – Dont have a pic handy, but its this in worse shape...
From dustynnguyendood
Pontiac Grand Am
I'm also going to be literal about the 50 years in the headline, because 1983 was 41 years ago, not 50. My aunt had a 1973 Pontiac Grand Am coupe very similar to this one that was my favorite car when I was a kid. Other than the stupid seatbelt buzzer that went off every time you sat in the front seat, it was great.
From union-hardrolls
Audi Quattro
Though if we're talking up through 1984, no doubt, Audi quattro.
From Arolpin
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
I would daily the beans out of a C3 Corvette Stingray. Looks equal parts beauty and the beast, with enough Dirk Diggler to give it that 70's swank vibe. Plus, the sound of that engine...
From paradsecar
Volvo P1800ES
51 years old but this is what came to mind. Volvo P1800ES
From 4jim
Jaguar XJS
It might be more prudent to restomod it with an electric powertrain... or not.
From PetroNiko