What 50-Year-Old Car Would You Daily Drive Today?

Tell us your secret 1973-1983 desires and we will validate your choices in the comments.

I don't mean to alarm any of our Gen Xers in the crowd, but 50 years ago was indeed the 1970s. I know, math and time makes fools of us all.

Back in the good ol', bad ol' days, cars were lacking a bit of luster. We were just entering the Malaise Era (1973-1983) and the cars were, well, they were big compared to what had come before, which was nice. Until the gas crisis hit, of course.

I'm opening this QOTD up to the whole Malaise Era of cars. We're going to celebrate the uninspired here on Jalopnik today (oh heck, let's make it every day!) What would you pilot on the roads today given half the chance? Think of a car from the 70s, brand new, but navigating lanes of oversized SUVs and lane queen trucks. Do you go for, say, the giant Lincoln Mark IV up above, so you can survive a crash with a Cadillac Escalade and bring home a whole deer on the hood during hunting season? Or do you go for the smaller, foreign cars that look so retro and hip while saving you on gas? Sound off in the comments.

