There's Something Vaguely 'Un Chien Andalou' About This: Bike Drifting

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While we do kick it old-school with rhymes from Chuck D., DMC and Jalil Hutchens, and we've heard this particular song on Top Gear before, meaning that it must be some sort of hit, we have to say that we basically avoid the current hip-hop scene like the plague. To be fair, we generally avoid the current punk scene like a cheap dinner rife with botulism, too. But er, uh, yeah. At the risk of sounding un-literate or like a New York Times scribe or something, the hip-hop sound underneath this clip of an Arab boy making with the drift on what appear to be chalk-coated tires truly adds to the surreal collision of expectations. Plus, bike donuts are just cool.

More hoons. [Internal]