• Today's totally a good day. GM only cut 100 white collar workers. [Freep]
• SAIC! We really are gonna build 200,000 cars in China! [Detroit News]
• And here we thought topless car washes were just for plot lines on Skinimax. [ChinaDaily]
• We seriously can't make a line like this up: "Poland's new car sales bounced back sharply in March as Poles rushed to showrooms after the end of the winter season..." Seriously, It's probably not...but why does it sound funny? [Reuters]
• While one of us packs for NYC, let's check out some urban transport options. [gizmag]
• Every once in a while even we need some sizzle with our steak, here's some "models" to whet your whistle with here, here, here, here, and here. [Multiple Sources]
• We're so excited...look, all the steak is covered up...we totally can't wait till the clothes come off. [Edmunds]
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