Okay, yeah, we don't generally post on motorcycles, and when we do, we pretty much never post on production motorcycles, so please don't take this as a warrant to send in your Harley-Davidson XLCQZFXZF. We probably don't care. But dude, the CBX was just so totally badass. Sure, the Hayabusa makes more power. Sure, modern middleweights will run rings around it. And a well-done bobber beats it in the menacingness derby. But yo, put this thing in context. And when you do that, the total hairballality of the thing becomes clear. A six-cylinder motorcycle with sporting pretensions in the late 1970s? Son, that's about as beautiful as it gets.
Memorable Motorcycles: Honda CBX [Motorcycle USA]
Sweet Mother of Merlin! V-Twin Aero-Engine Bike! [Internal]