The GoDaddy Ad Was Not Disgusting Or Demeaning To Women At All

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The GoDaddy commercial that just aired during the Super Bowl was extremely effective advertising.

It did a great job of showing off their products and services in a compelling way. It did not leave anyone wondering what GoDaddy even is.


It was not degrading to women, just like the last dozen or so GoDaddy Super Bowl ads, which were incredibly classy and stressed that women should be respected, treated as equals, and not objectified.


It was not gross. I was not compelled to throw acid in my own eyes to prevent myself from seeing it again.


It will not add to the increasing criticism of Danica Patrick, that she's less of a professional race car driver and more of a spokesmodel.

It was not terrible. Not at all. Just like there was no sarcasm in this post whatsoever.