The Best Sounding Cars Of All Time, According To You

These cars fill our hearts and ears with some of the best sounds on earth.

To some folks, how a car sounds is as important or more important than how it drives. I very much get that. In an age where more and more cars are being electrified, good-sounding engines are getting harder to come by. That's what led me to my question from last week.

I wanted to know what you thought was the best-sounding car of all time, and you folks really delivered. We've got all sorts of cars from different eras: from the newest hypercars to race cars that are decades old. We've even got all sorts of different engine layouts. It's a great mix if you ask me.

Anyway, because I'm such a great guy, I even hunted down YouTube clips so you could all fully enjoy just how great these cars sound... for the most part. You're welcome and happy clicking.

GMA T.50

i may never hear one in person but it has to be the Murray T.50.

V-12 running to 12,500 rom

I'm starting out with the winner. Without a doubt in my mind, this is the best-sounding car ever made. I do not care if you disagree with me. I'm the one in charge.

Submitted by: Boneheadotto

Mazda 787B

There is no world where this isn't an absolute riot to hear, ripping down the straights.

"A swarm of angry bees" is how everyone describes this rotary monster

Rotary motors are so cool. I wish they were real.

Submitted by: Zach

Lexus LFA

I've always been partial to the Lexus LFA.

The LFA is a close second when it comes to the best-sounding cars ever made. It was my number one until the T.50 came around.

Submitted by: dartingd

BRM’s V16

The 1.5L supercharged BRM V-16 has always been one of my favorites. On top of being very powerful (it produced 600hp at 12, 1947!), it sounds like a medley of all the best engines noises

Maybe there is a replacement for displacement.

Submitted by: Stephen

Buick Riveria

When I was a kid, one of our neighbors had a 1971 Boattail Riviera GS with a 455 ci V-8

It had a fantastic lumpy idle and a deep throated roar when all four barrels of that Rochester Quadrajet opened up.

Damn, this thing sounds mean. I always loved the look of boattail Riveras.

Submitted by: Earthbound Misfit I

Detroit Diesel

There are a lot of obvious answers.

But one of my favorites is any big truck equipped with a 71 series 2-stroke Detroit Diesel. We still have some old cotton haulers around my area. And you can hear those things a mile away. They sound like nothing else you have every heard. Do yourself a favor and youtube a few.

I could spend the rest of my life watching diesel cold-starts on YouTube. It's my ASMR.

Submitted by: Nemo

Three’s Company

My choices may be skewed a bit by the fact that they're not supercars and to the average person look like normal cars, which does up the impressiveness factor compared to something like a Ferrari that you expect to sound amazing, but:

1. Alfa Giulia Quadrifoglio

2. W204 C63 AMG

3. Alfa GTV6 with the Busso engine

There's only one V6 on this list. Good thing it's the best sounding one of all time.

Submitted by: give_me_a_manual_alpha_romeo_you_cowards

Porsche Carrera GT

Porsche Carrera GT V10. Next question?

Perhaps V10 is the best engine configuration? Many smart people are saying this.

Submitted by: GulliNL

LeMans, Baby

I've watched LeMans more times than I can count and the Porsche 917 and Ferrari 512 sonorous interludes will never ever get old. The volume is always at 11 during those sequences.

The way these cars sound is the only good thing about that movie.

Submitted by: Monsterajr

Lamborghini Murcielago

Nope, all of you are wrong. The best sounding car is the Lamborghini Murcielago, especially with an upgraded exhaust sounds like an F1 car on crack! I think it's the best sounding non racing car lambo's ever created, even more so than the Aventador.

If I win the lottery tomorrow, an LP640 Murci will be one of the first cars I'm buying. It's just an icon of my childhood.

Submitted by: darthspartan117

Ferrari F2004 F1 V10

A man of few words, apparently. I get it. Let the car speak for itself.

Submitted by: You'llBeSleepingWithTheFilet-O-Fishes

Not Cars

I'm going to skip the cars and go right to the motorcycles. In no particular order:

- Honda RC166

- Honda CBX

- Ducati desmosidici RR

- Original Norton Commando (especially with Dunstalls)

- Aprilia RSV4

What the hell are these?

Submitted by: Broken-Aero

A Pragmatic Person

The one in my garage on the morning after I've made the last payment.

I get what you're saying, but where's the fun in that, man?

Submitted by: ReluctantFloridaMan

A Close Second

It's the LFA. But right behind it is the Countach if it runs long enough:

God, what an iconic car.

Submitted by: DansDrives


An old VW. Popcorn far away and large.

I can't even tell you how incorrect this opinion is.

Submitted by: sybann

