The Autoextremist as Union-Buster

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While Spinelli's off in Italia getting his Fiat Jollies (our first sentence of our first post and we've already busted out with the bad puns), we'll take care of your Jalopnik jones. Think of us as cybernetic methadone. Or the Faux-lopnik, if you will. First order of bidness: Sweet Peet D. takes the UAW to task for obstructionist tactics. Having never been part of a union, we've never been able to reap its apparent benefits and are unable to comment upon the inner workings of said organizations. However, the phrase "The Labor Movement" does remind us of the malodorous possibility of accidental defecation during childbirth due to colonic compression. Unintentional pooping is always funny, right?
-Davey G. Johnson

Autoextremist Rant: April 20th [ Hurry, Peter'll make you pay for it after this week!]

More Bad News for Dodge: Autoextremist is Not Pleased With Charger [Internal]
