You might have noticed that over the past few weeks we've been bugging you to take the 2012 Gawker Media Census. Well, try not to cry too hard, but the most exciting survey on the whole World Wide Web has come to a close. We learned all sorts of fun facts about the 1,018 Jalopnik fans who responded this year, like how 73% of readers claim to be experienced travelers. So you're going to be in charge of planning this year's road trip, right?
The Gawker Media Cenus is our yearly opportunity to find out how to serve you better. It's your chance to let us know who you are, what you're into, and what we could be doing differently. In exchange, we offer one lucky census taker a new iPad as a prize. This year's big winner is Gizmodo reader Alex L. Everyone give Alex a congratulatory thump on the back.
Thanks again for participating. Enjoy the open road.