The 2007 Tokyo Auto Show is Turning Jalopnikese

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Well, there's now two of us here in Tokyo ready to make the 2007 Tokyo Auto Show the number-one-super-best auto show in the land of the rising sun. Ben and I got in late in the afternoon yesterday and after spending some time with Adam Frucci of Gizmodo fame last night and getting acquainted with — umm — not a whole lot other than our hotel, we're now hitting the town in style today to provide you with some seriously hot Tokyo Auto Show coverage, live from the streets of Tokyo. Basically, because Spinelli doesn't get in until tomorrow we'll be lolly-gagging about with a very special brand of Down on the Street action for you as we bring you the best of the local flora and fauna. All of it's in preparation for the big game — the 2007 Tokyo Auto Show (yeah, it's technically Motor, but we'll be using Auto for our coverage, because that's how we roll). So keep your eyes on the Tokyo Auto Show tag throughout the week, or drop the RSS into your fave feed reader and keep abreast of all the super fun potential!