The 70s were good to Barbra Streisand. She had three number one hits, starred in a spate of comedies, landed an Oscar nomination for Best Actress and won another for best song. Oh, and she also starred in a movie casting her as an "in-your-face and uneducated prostitute" who had a role in the fictional BDSM flick Cycle Sluts.
The Owl and the Pussycat came out in 1970, with Streisand playing Doris, the love interest of Felix (George Segal). In the movie, Felix is walking down the street when he catches a glimpse of the poster for Cycle Sluts at an adult theater and realizes that the woman he's trying to woo is one of the lead actresses.
The photos below were part of the prop shoot for the porn posters and were unearthed by the crew at DangerousMinds. A combination of over-the-top 70s kitsch and leather-clad stereotypes, they are absolutely spectacular. They even mocked up a fake BDSM magazine to really sell it. Enjoy.