Teen Driver Perfectly Plows Their Jeep Into The Back Of A Box Trailer
The crash in Lynnfield, MA, saw a driver perfectly park their Jeep in the back of a landscaping company’s box trailer.
Most crashes are wholly embarrassing affairs that leave you hoping for the safety of everyone involved, but others are just plain impressive. Today's collision is one such crash, after a young drive managed to perfectly crash their Jeep into the back of a landscaping company's box trailer.
The crash, which was brought to our attention by the folks over at CarScoops, took place in Lynnfield, Massachusetts. In the collision, which was caught by a camera mounted nearby, a picturesque scene of American suburbia is playing out as the truck of a landscaping company is parked up outside a house its crews are working on.
Then, from the left of the screen, a silver Jeep Liberty SUV comes careering into the shot with no attempt made to slow down. The car doesn't smash through the hard work of the landscaping company, however, and instead plows neatly into the back of the box truck.
In pictures of the aftermath shared by Boston 25 News, you can see that the car slotted perfectly inside the trailer, without even disrupting a row of rakes leant up against the inside of the trailer. It's perfect parking and something I don't think you could replicate if you tried.
Of course, there was some damage, and Boston 25 reports that the front of the trailer was pretty much destroyed and the Jeep even connected with the rear of the towing vehicle. The front of the Jeep also looks in a bad way, as does a lawn mower caught up in all the carnage. Boston 25 reports:
"I was taken aback. It was crazy. I think everyone was in shock. All the guys were in shock. We were all kind of just like how did this happen," [said Brooke Hallinan, whose husband owns the Delrossi Landscape.]
The crew jumped into action to help the young driver out.
"They did assist her out, they helped her, the guys. As far as I know she's fine which is great," Hallinan said.
It's unclear exactly how that driver ended up inside the trailer. Hallinan says thankfully everyone is ok and she has a message to drivers on busy roads.
Local police are reportedly investigating the crash, which was almost as impressive as the driver who elected to launch their car off a flatbed like in the movies.