Mickey Thompson, of course, was one of the greatest legends of Western-US motorsports. He ran Indy, Bonneville and…
We've posted on the Kamikaze before, but caught it up close in all its questionable, Hayabusa-powered glory. The…
Well, I know that choppers are totally not my bag, but when I saw this little OC Chopper-created cycle for…
The California Highway Patrol is caught up in a bit of a snafu. For the last six years, the law-enforcement agency…
Yes, I know I'm mixing lyrics and performers up, but it's true the man's got a thorny past. I mean, how many…
Cripes on a bike! Word is the 500-hp Tron-a-be, the Chrysler Tomahawk, is coming soon to a bazillionaire near you.…
From what we've heard from our friends in the custom-bike world, Billy Lane's a good guy. But even good guys do dumb…
Toss this one in the "Why'd-you-even-bother?" pile and move on. Some guy claims to have invested $20k in a half-size…
Ed Roth's more-awesome idea, embraced by many a wild and wooly ruffian without a care for fashion, the motortrike,…
We love motorcycles, but we admit that we will probably never own a Ducati. They, like their four-wheeled bretheren…
This is our kind of hoonage — the kind that makes the Darwin Awards possible and helps to cull the stupid people…
Supposedly named for its resemblence to a crouching hyena, the Hyanide sounds more to us like a substance that…
There's a hoary old joke that goes as follows. A young lady says to her mother, "Mom, the Greek man I've been dating…
According to a mysterious man known only as El Tonito, every year, especially around the time of the Honda Hoot,…
Bikes of all sortsa stripes have descended upon Knoxville, TN for the Honda Hoot, a rally that's flooded the street…
When we used to work at the corner of Polk and Turk in SF, we often found ourselves jealous of our co-worker Matt,…
Bumbeck came down from the hills in the Mighty Starlet to catch a showing of Cars today (which totally brought out…
Apparently, when equipped with an insignifcant amount of his surname, Mr. Horsepower loses his cigar and becomes…
Andy Takakjian is a lunatic. He is also president of the Los Feliz Lions Club and inventor of the Starion A6M7. And…
We're not sure of this is necessarily cooler than the Gold Wing tow truck. In the Gold Wing's defense, it does have…