For the last couple of years, the authorities down under have been armed with the ability to confiscate vehicles…
Oh man, we picked this one up off the Googles last night, and while it's not our favorite episode, it is rife with…
So ever since Phillips cut back his hours at Car and Driver and Ezra Dyer has appeared on the scene far less than…
If ever there was a commercial for Toyota trucks to match Chevy's erstwhile Bob Seger rasp, it's this amateur vid of…
Now that we've taken the Hoon of the Day down a notch (it's so hard to find good hoonage these days), we can focus…
We've never seen this episode of Top Gear, but we have to say the lack of context surrounding this clip in some ways…
Maybach auto shop is in session. Lesson One: The old Romanian crowbar trick. Gigi Becali, owner of the Steaua…
While submariners have been traversing the depths under the polar ice cap for decades, apparently there's an…
Oh hells. We just made a Bright Eyes reference. Please take us out to a field somewhere in Nebraska and pretend…
John Rae, New Zealand bidnessman and proud owner of a CLS 55 AMG, decided to impress his wife and mother-in-law with…
If you were some sort of audio-mechanical engineering student raised on AFX and Tyco, what kind of thesis project…
With the Hoon of the Year, 2005 award stuck in a near-dead heat between "Snowbound" and "Redneck Surfing," we're…
Besides the fact that "Depression" is our favorite Black Flag number, we've had some very real bouts with the…
We've only been doing the Hoon of the Day feature for a few months, but since the end of the year is nigh, we're…
Need more evidence that the MTV show "Jackass" is a worldwide phenomenon? Today's Hoons, straight from the country…
Man, redneck surfing (we mean that with love o' course) should definitely have its own event in the X Games (or…
Thanks to everyone who responded to our dire need for hoonage, which means we don't have to run this guy again. Our…
Today's Hoon is a pretty angry young, er, hoon. He's also potentially the most heinous lawbreaker among those we've…
Sadly, we've come to the end of Jalopnik's Maximum StarQuest Day. However, we thought since the whole thing started…