Mechanical know how in our case has come largely from two sources. There have been those kind enough to show the…
For a long number of years even the idea of washing and waxing our car was unnecessary. Cleanup meant maybe a hosing…
Whichever crackpot invented the wheel had no idea what it would lead to. Land speed records. Plus one measures of…
Automobile wheels spin round thanks to the miracle of wheel bearings. The bearings themselves contain rollers that…
Last week we got down with the strut in MacPherson and said hello to the spring compressor. This week we'll finish…
The history behind the modern strut type suspension has its origins in the United Kingdom. Henny Youngman would…
Without the shock absorber the modern automobile would simply flail about on its springs. The shock absorber is…
As we're off to Las Vegas for Mopars at the Strip this weekend and riding the red-eye out to the New York Auto Show…
It may seem unlikely that the first step in polishing aluminum to a near-mirror shine is to score an extra crusty…
In order for the miracle of the automotive cooling system to march on unabated all the components must be able to…
At the heart of the cooling system is the water pump. It spins as does the engine in order to continuously circulate…
The difference between the rows of late model cars at the junkyard awaiting the crusher and Grandpa's 400-thousand…
While there are still a few air-cooled automobiles on the roads the good majority out there these days are of the…
Recent dash light disco electrical mayhem from the Starlet served as a reminder that an automotive electrical system…
The internal combustion engine at its core is an air pump. It takes in air, mixes it with fuel, and ignites the…
The reason to check your tire pressure is usually explained with some nearly unbelievable statistical simile…
At least one, and perhaps more of us here at the the Jalop not only fantasize about cars on a minute-by-minute…
The scissor or corkscrew jack in your trunk is somewhat adequate for emergency wheel and tire swaps. Drive-on ramps…
Somewhere in between the two half-disassembled Mitsubishi G54B turbo engines and the Toyota 4K-C internal…