This is Jamie Hicks, a.k.a. the "DUI Mom." The Long Island mother was arrested Sunday for driving with a blood…
Police released the 20-minute-long video of Detroit Lions President Tom Lewand's arrest on suspicion of DUI Friday…
Rene Fernandez drunkenly crashed into Maryland Judge Edwin Collier's Accord last year. Fernandez knew Collier as…
Police clocked Joseph Carbone driving his Maserati 113 miles an hour on the Long Island Expressway early Wednesday…
Researchers at Hartford Hospital and the University of Iowa have concluded a study of the effects of marijuana usage…
The photo of a flipped tank isn't a photoshop and it is the actual Russian military, although alcohol involvement is…
A reportedly loaded Shane Crolick passed a New York State trooper outside of Oneida this morning at 153 MPH, leading…
This is Paul Hutton, 40, of Clacton-on-Sea, England. A judge recently convicted him for operating a 4-mph toy…
18-year-old Nikita Efimov Jr. of Silverton, OR was found by a patrolman passed out drunk in a stolen white Ford…
This PSA shows the Brazilian watering hole Bar Aurora adding the total cost of drunk driving to the bar tab. Up to…
Carlsberg Brewery factory workers walked off the job following rules ending unlimited on-the-job beers, leading to…
California State Senator Roy Ashburn, Republican and vocal gay rights opponent, was busted for DWI in his…
21-year-old Alex Ford crashed a Maserati Quattroporte she'd borrowed head-on into Officer Tracy Sheets after…
Life on a runway is traumatic, which may explain why self-described model Gypsy Porfiro was allegedly found high on…
Former Nets star Jayson Williams, who accidentally shot someone and tried to cover it up, crashed his Mercedes…
A Georgia funeral home will bury you for free if you sign a form stating you plan to get blitzed, drive on New…
Elmer Stoltzfoos Fisher of Paradise, Pennsylvania was found asleep at the reins of his Amish buggy, his horse…
18-year-old James Miller, of Cincinnati was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving. Convenient for the officer as…
Yesterday we told you about Dennis LeRoy Anderson, who plead guilty to DWI after piloting his motorized La-Z-Boy…
62-year-old Dennis LeRoy Anderson had it made; his lawnmower-powered La-Z-Boy came equipped with both boombox and…