The story of a journalist's son crashing a Porsche press car is making the rounds today, but what's notably lacking…
Peter Cheney lived every autojourno's worst nightmare when his son accidentally launched a brand new $180,000…
A Minneapolis driver's claiming a dog driving a Toyota Prius t-boned his VW Jetta in a parking lot. Wrap your noodle…
A 23-year-old Tennessee man bailed from a moving vehicle last Thursday during an argument with his wife, who was…
This Astra Nüburgring Edition ironically wiped out while racing around the Nürburgring. The cost? About $5,300. Of…
An 87-year-old man was killed during a ride in a Corvette Z06 at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend. The ride was…
Posting a picture to Facebook with your dog "driving" the car is silly because everyone knows dogs can't drive.…
Brett and Kate McKay from The Art of Manliness assembled this concise guide to safely jumping out of a moving car.…
A woman is alive tonight only by the grace of an Aston Martin. While partying with friends, Jade Bates fell out a…
A German representative of Lamborghini, possibly a salesman, took a female passenger on a Gallardo joy ride through…
A 50-year-old man named Lord Jesus Christ — yes, that's his real name — was hit by a car in Northampton,…
Volvo invited a bunch of reporters to see them launch an empty Volvo S60 at the back of a truck in a test of their…
Four people were killed in a 2007 Corvette this morning after the driver flipped the sports car over a guard rail.…
A Norwegian bus driver spots an accident ahead and decides to turn around. Lacking the room for such a maneuver he…
Pennsylvania State Police identified Alfred Esposito III at the scene of a crash by his drivers license and informed…
Let's cover a few basics. First, we've seen this sort of thing before, but it's never been quite this funny. Second,…
A study's confirmed real world evidence indicating obese men are more likely to be seriously injured in a car crash.…
An elderly driver confused brake and accelerator in a Santa Clara, California parking lot and backed his Honda…
Ever wonder what it's like to blow a clutch up huge? The driver of the "Baby Burrito" Honda CRX found out on the…
A dump truck driver admitted he was "fishing for papers" when his rig crashed through nine motorcycles this…